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Austin Hotel & Lodging Association
March 19, 2014
“Think like an Adman, Sell like a Madman”
Presented by Paul Weyland
Tighten up your seat belts and get ready for a ride. The AHLA is proud to present our March Luncheon Guest Speaker, Paul Weyland. Paul uses his quirky wit combined with his considerable marketing experience to create a learning event you will not forget. How about learning the best new strategies for connecting with the people you need to reach the most.
We highly encourage hoteliers to bring along their banquet staff, group sales staff, front desk staff or anyone else who is eager to learn the art of how to effectively negotiate and sell your property. Allied members can also take advantage of Paul’s expertise in showing you how to reach the customers you need within the local hospitality community. This luncheon will be entertaining, educational, memorable, and one that will certainly be talked about for a long time! |

Paul Weyland
President Paul Weyland Communication Strategies
Author & Speaker
Paul Weyland is an International speaker, branding, marketing and sales strategist, consultant, trainer, author and university lecturer. He speaks to corporate leaders, associations of independent business owners, organizations, managers and front-line sales and customer service people who want a break-through in visibility and customer loyalty in an information-cluttered, over-scheduled and constantly changing world. Paul has shown hundreds of organizations how to cut through the confusion of marketing, reach into the hearts and minds of their customers, close more sales, increase their bottom lines and keep customers for life.
Event Location Details:
When: March 19, 2014
Where: Omni South Park
4140 Governors Row
Austin Texas 78744
Registration: 11:30 a.m.
Networking: 11:30 a.m. – Noon
Luncheon: Noon – 1:15 p.m.
Members: $35
Future members: $50
Price at door: $50

18th Annual AHLA Golf Tournament
April 21, 2014
For sponsorship information, contact:
[email protected]
The Austin Hotel & Lodging Association is a non-profit trade association of hotel managers and industry suppliers. Our goal is to keep our members up-to-date on local business trends, co-operatives, marketing opportunities and regulatory and legislative changes that could impact the way you do business. By being a member you will help influence and improve the hotel and lodging industry in Austin and surrounding areas as well as having the opportunity to network with other industry professionals and leaders.
P.O. Box 82431
Austin, Texas 78708-2431
(512) 251-5675
(Fax) 251-5815
www.AustinHLA.org |